
Friday, August 21, 2009

More Good News...

Good News: It is only 11 am and I have already completed two loads of laundry, my weekly cold-water regular load and a second load of towels.

Bad News: I have my suspicions about the cleanliness resulting from our community washers.

Good News: The one dryer that works (dries) has been tweaked by some kindly person to run continuously... without quarters! So I am drying for free.

Bad News: This is my last free Friday before the semester starts. In fact, the semester starts Monday, because I misread the notice from my dean about his fall meeting: I thought it was Tuesday (Freudian!). Monday, Dean's meeting. Tuesday, Divisional meeting. Wednesday, classes start 9 a.m. for me.

Bad News: My office is still in "new office furniture" uproar, which means 1 day this weekend will be devoted to fixing that by re-positioning shelves in very tall new bookcase (and reshelving books), re-hanging framed 18th-century map of Versailles so it can be seen instead of hidden behind very tall new bookcase, and generally cleaning up the dust and loneliness of my school office, deserted for the summer months... Necessary before the tons of kids start popping their heads in and asking directions to classrooms, to borrow paper and pen to leave a note for another prof, or the office hours of other profs. Sure, I could keep my door closed, but I ask you, what fun would that be?

Good News: Class websites, syllabi, and assignments are READY for all three classes... good to go!
Meanwhile, this is my workplace, pretty much everyday.


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