
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

My Favorite Things -- Clean House

I love, love, love the TV show Clean House on the Style Network.

This is surprising since I mostly hate reality shows. Low-cost, low ethics, low expectations, with playground bickering disguised as honest drama. Ugh. And people humiliating each other, conning each other, abusing each other--in general, acting in the rudest and most common manner possible... and I don't mean "belonging equally to" but "mediocre, coarse, vulgar, lacking distinction."

BUT... I love Clean House.

Why? Because the show is focused thus: one house, crowded and full of ridiculous junk, is cleaned, decluttered, and made livable in one week... often clearing out old issues, arguments, and personal problems, leaving the family not only able to use their living spaces perfectly but in a better "space" emotionally.

What's not to like? Junk is discarded, clutter-be-gone! People's relationships are improved, not so magically! And then the experts go away, and people have to deal with day-to-day... but some problems are solved, some rooms are cleared, and lives are freed up for new opportunities. I LOVE IT!
No one's psyche is destroyed, no one is humiliated, and only positive stuff is promoted.


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