
Monday, February 7, 2011

Yoga Class

I must say that I love returning to yoga. For me, being in a class for weekly yoga sessions means I will improve so much more quickly and will stick with it.

In Paris, I loved my yoga class and, combined with the constant walking and minimalist eating, made me lose about 20 pounds, increase flexibility, and my mental state was also improved. Julie's sessions, in her tiny apartment, were simply marvelous.

Now, my class is very much an Iyengar class, where we spend the 90 minutes on five or six poses, improving our postures and weight-bearing stances, improving breathing, to find the correct and best stretch. The other people in the class are mostly women about my age and a couple of men.

And--guess what!--I got a free class for my birthday! Well, thanks.

Note: this is not my picture, but this is what yoga feels like, when it's right, to me. Yummy stretch in a serene world.

1 comment:

  1. Feeling very achy myself today due to impending weather and I imagine a good stretching session as you describe would add a good 2 inches to my stature.


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