
Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Week Four/Commute

Well, it is week four of the school year, and I have been missing my commute. This week it has been raining, I am really tired, and... yadda yadda excuse excuse.
The rain of the weekend started me on Monday to "ignore" the bike ride for the safety of the car... NO ONE is safe driving in DFW when the weather is anything but sunny and clear. Just a fact. So rain and bike do not automatically = accident, as my students suggested. Tuesday... same rain, same excuse. Today... just slllooooooowwwwww this morning, and needed the ability to leave the house at 8:40 for a 9:00 am class. (leave house, drive, park, pick up stuff from office, start class? Yeah, I can do that ALL in 15 minutes, no sweat--because I am an Academic Wonder Woman!)
I suspect part of it is because I also spent Saturday in a multi-person 2.5-hour web-conference (supposed to be 2 hours, but with aural problems and late arrivals became 2.5 hours) and Sunday in a 3-hour playwriting workshop with 8 students. So the weekend went--whish!--quicker than usual. Not enough down time/alone time for me.
I am also falling to bad habits of time crunching: no breakfast, napping late in the day so late sleeping time, not spending 15 minutes daily picking up the apartment, etc. That all trends back to having lunch prepared and ready to go for the bike, having the backpack prepared for the next morning, organizing clothes and accessories for the next day (or the week, which I prefer), handling the daily tasks of bills/laundry/paperwork/cleaning that always arise, and scheduling social time with friends and colleagues--so very important, but tough when you're juggling three courses, three committees, a conference paper, and an article.... and then some.
Back to Square One and gentle practice in getting these things into a routine. Which should take me until the end of October to establish as habits, anyway.

Work in progress, that's me.


1 comment:

  1. I am not good at biking to work in the rain. We have no place to shower and get pulled back together other than the bathroom and it is simply not adequate when one is soaking wet. Luckily, it really doesn't rain like that much in Flag. We do get a good bit of snow in the winter though and I will mostly stay out of that. Too deep and it often turns to ice late in the afternoon. Bike paths are rarely plowed. Can be a problem.


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